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IBM Watson

Front End Web Development Intern

June - August 2016 and 2017

Summer 2017 - I worked in IBM Watson's Astor Place office, developing tools and prototypes that implemented various Watson services and offerings. With the Advanced Client Technology and Solutions team, I developed a video summarization algorithm, API, and web client, and presented my findings to team members and IBM Watson offering management.

Summer 2016 - During the summer of 2016, I worked in IBM Watson's Littleton Office on the Watson Engagement Advisor App Squad. Here, I add the ability for users to speak to the Watson Conversation Car Dashboard demo with their computer's microphone. This functionality more realistically emulates how clients would interact with Watson in a car, versus only being able to communicate with a keyboard. I also worked on a Pokemon GO chat application that enabled users to speak to a fascimile of Professor Oak from Pokemon, and ask it questions regarding Pokemon GO.