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Senior Software Engineer I

June 2021 - March 2022

I worked for HubSpot as a Senior Software Engineer I. On the Social team, I connected HubSpot's customers and companies with social media analytics and putting the power of social media at their fingertips. I was also an accessibility advocate, presenting on the topic internally to a non-technical audience about the importance of accessibility, its impact and benefits to customers, and how to think like an a11y.


  • How to Run a Website Accessibility Check (According to HubSpot Developers) - Improve your website's accessibility and your visitors' experience by running a quick accessibility check — here's how.
  • A Web Accessibility Checklist to Make Your Content 100% Compliant - I contributed to this checklist on HubSpot's blog! Learn how to improve your website's accessibility and think more like an a11y!